
Publication Ethics

The Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science (RRBSI) is committed to upholding the integrity of the work we publish. We pledge to meet the highest standards in publication ethics, such as those described within the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (see more here -

Concerning Authors

Submitted articles should be original work. Plagiarism, or the attempt to pass off someone else’s work as the author’s own, will result in immediate rejection. RRBSI conforms to the definition of plagiarism and types of plagiarism from the Harvard Guide "What Constitutes Plagiarism?” available here. The journal will use software and other means in order to screen for plagiarism.

Duplicate publication or self-plagiarism is also unacceptable, and the overall research findings and the main part of the manuscript must not have been published elsewhere, even in a different language. Author(s) should provide the appropriate references when reusing substantial parts of their published work. Submissions based on revised conference papers are welcomed, but a note should be included stating that the article is based on a paper delivered at a specific conference.

RRBSI will take steps in order to prevent any misconduct such as, but not limited to, plagiarism, data manipulation or fabrication and inaccurate or misleading reporting.

To ensure objectivity and transparency in research and to ensure that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, authors must disclose the sources of funding and other potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial) and to obtain informed consent if the research involved human participants.

The author(s) should be prepared to collect documentation of compliance with ethical standards and send if requested during peer review or after publication.

Regardless of whether or not a submission is eventually published, authors must treat communication with the journal as confidential, and correspondence and referee reports should not be posted online or otherwise publicized without the prior permission of the Editors.

If there is a suspicion of misconduct, the journal will carry out an investigation. If misconduct has been established beyond reasonable doubt, this will result in the Editors’ implementation of the following measures:

  • If the article is still under consideration, it will be rejected.
  • If the article has already been published, it will be retracted
  • If plagiarism or data fabrication/manipulation has been discovered, the author’s institution and funding agencies will be informed.

If a published article contains a small portion of unintentional errors, such as miscalculations, the journal will issue a correction.

The retracted/corrected version of articles will be clearly marked as such, indicating the reason for retraction/correction and the date of the retraction/correction.

Both retractions and corrections of articles are meant to improve the quality of the scientific literature published in the Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science and should not be interpreted as a method of punishing authors.

Concerning Reviewers

Reviewers are expected to inform the journal regarding potential conflict of interest and to recuse themselves from reviewing articles in this situation.

Reviewers are expected to treat any article and material received as confidential.

Reviewers will objectively assess the quality of articles submitted for review and inform the editors of any findings of misconduct.

Concerning the Editorial Team

The Editors will maintain the integrity of the journal and ensure the quality of published articles through quality control measures.

The Editorial Team will treat each article in a fair and unbiased way, with no discrimination regarding gender, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or any other aspect.

Editors will make decisions regarding publishing on the basis of the quality and suitability of articles.

The Editorial Team will take steps in order to prevent publication of articles that contain any form of misconduct and will investigate concerns regarding misconduct in a fair and balanced way.

Editors will avoid conflicts of interest and abstain from making decisions regarding articles where there is a potential conflict of interest.


Malpractice Statement

The Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science (RRBSI) does not tolerate any form of malpractice in the articles it publishes. RRBSI will actively seek to identify any such behaviour and take necessary measures in order to ensure the quality of the articles it publishes.

All submitted materials must respect the journal’s Publication Ethics (see above) and Author Guidelines.

As stated in the Publication Ethics, if malpractice has been established beyond reasonable doubt, RRBSI will take the following measures:

  • If the article is still under consideration, it will be rejected
  • If the article has already been published, it will be retracted
  • If plagiarism or data fabrication/manipulation has been discovered, the author’s institution and funding agencies will be informed.

In defining malpractice and malpractice-related issues such as data fabrication, falsification etc., RRBSI will follow the Federal Research Misconduct Policy definitions.